Accessing help with education-related expenses

If extreme financial hardship is adversely impacting your studies, you can lodge a request for one-off financial support to help cover education-related expenses.

These expenses may include transport, study requirements such as textbooks, software, art supplies and other equipment or materials needed to complete your coursework.

You may have access to the Student Success Laptop Support Bursary as another way to support students to achieve educational success.

Financial support is now available for students enrolled in the EmpowerED Uni Prep Program via the below form, thanks to the generous philanthropic support of one of Griffith's external donors.

Requesting student financial support

Are you eligible?

To be eligible for student financial support, you must be:

  • a currently enrolled Griffith University student*
  • able to demonstrate extreme financial hardship that impacts your ability to fund education-related expenses to continue studying.

*Please note: Non-Griffith and non-award students such as OUA, Griffith College, cross-institutional, miscellaneous, exchange and Study Abroad students are not eligible for this type of support (non-award students enrolled in the program 9954 - EmpowerED Uni Prep Program will be considered).

What’s not covered

Student financial support is not available to refund money already spent or to cover non-essential education costs.

This type of assistance does not cover support for University tuition fees or provide ongoing support. See government HELP loans or search our scholarships to see what you may be eligible for to support payment of tuition fees.

Supporting documents

The more information you can provide to support your request for student financial support, the better. We assess each request on a case-by-case basis and will ask for more information if required.
For your request to be considered, you must provide:

  • current bank balances and last 30 days transactions for all your bank accounts
  • pay slips or Centrelink payment summaries to demonstrate financial hardship, or details of your weekly expenses
  • quotes or official price lists confirming costs of significant items for which you require financial support.

Other considerations

  • Student Success Laptop Support Bursary is only available to domestic undergraduate and EmpowerED students.
  • Centrelink may treat any financial support provided as income, which may affect your Centrelink entitlements. Please contact for more information.
  • Receipt of other financial support from the University will be taken into consideration when assessing your request.
  • Pattern of enrolment may also be considered.
  • The granting of support is subject to availability of funds and there is no guarantee funds will be available or awarded.
  • If approved, the allocation of funds will be in the form of a one-off payment to a nominated bank account and subject to a compliance declaration.

Please complete all required information and submit.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Student details
Please outline the circumstances of your extreme financial hardship and how this impacts your ability to fund education-related expenses and continue your studies.
Income and expenditure
Are you currently employed *
Are you receiving Centrelink? *
Supporting documents
Please note that only PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, PNG and JPEG files are accepted
Please note only PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, PNG and JPEG files are accepted
Please note that only PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, PNG and JPEG files are accepted
Please note that only PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, PNG and JPEG files are accepted
<p>I declare that to the best of my knowledge that the information I have provided in this request and in accompanying documents is complete and correct.聽</p><p> I authorise Griffith University to obtain information concerning my request under the Higher Education Support Act 2003. </p><p>I understand that if I am unable to provide proof of claims made in this request, Griffith University has the right to withdraw any offer of financial support.聽</p><p>I understand that giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth).聽</p><p>I understand my request will be assessed based on the information I have provided and is subject to the availability of funds and not all applicants are necessarily awarded financial support.聽</p> *
* Your privacy is important to us. Information you supply will be handled strictly in accordance with our Privacy Statement.