Toss it away? No way!
The Griffith University Repair Café is a student led initiative aimed at giving a new life to broken items that would otherwise be thrown away. The café aims to educate people to see their possessions in a new light. This reduces the volume of raw materials and energy to make new products and ultimately reducing the amount of waste to the environment. Repair Cafés are bringing back sustainable and environmental repair skills, building stronger communities, helping people save money in times of economic uncertainty. The Griffith University Repair Café brings together a society of students whose purpose is to engage with sustainability and contribute to SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production.
View all upcoming Repair Cafe events.
Sustainable Development Goals
The Right to Repair initiative is part of the Law Futures Centre's commitment to address issues such as sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; and climate change for the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs. ).
How does a Repair Café work?
Everyone is welcome at a Repair Café—bring a broken item or just come and see what it’s all about and show your support for this new project!
When you arrive you will be paired with a fixer, who will take a look at the broken item and discuss what is needed to get it back in action again.
We invite you to stay with your fixer, watch, and learn—it’s a great chance to find out more about how it works, to learn how to look after it and how to fix it yourself.
What can I get fixed at the Griffith Repair Café?
Household items, clothing, small furniture along with miscellaneous items. If you have a particular item you would like to have repaired, get in touch with us and we can ensure we have the right technicians available to help.
Is there a cost to have my items repaired?
All repairs at the Griffith University Repair Café completed by volunteers free of charge.
Upcoming Repair Cafes
Repair Cafes are offered at various Griffith University campuses. Upcoming events:
- Sunday 2 June 2024
- Logan Eco Action Festival (LEAF)
- Logan Campus 10am to 2pm
- If you can assist as a helper or fixer, sign up here:
- If you want to get your items fixed, book here:
There are currently no further Repair Cafes scheduled for 2024.
Do you want to come along and help out at our Repair Cafe?
Become a volunteer with the Griffith University Repair Café
We are looking for student volunteers as well as staff (both professional and academic) volunteers to help us organise and run the repair cafe (ie helpers) as well as any fixers who may have repair skills in a variety of fields—engineering, electronics, mechanics, clothing/textiles or even design. Come and join a community of like–minded individuals and help us grow our repair cafes on campus and put your skills into practice.
Get in touch
If you have any questions about the Griffith University Repair Cafe or volunteering, please contact Professor Leanne Wiseman