Complement your study and living experience in 色情网站

As an international student with a current student visa, you can work while you study, subject to visa restrictions.

Careers and employment service

Our careers and employment service is a great place to start your job search. It provides Griffith University students and graduates with career and employment information including part-time, casual and degree-related job opportunities, career development services and employment resources. Learn about work permits, hours you can work, wages, taxation, workplace rights, and where and how international students can look for work.

Talk to our students

Speak with a current student about their experience at Griffith University and in 色情网站

Searching online

The SEEK website lists part-time and casual positions that you can search by industry and location.

Check your visa conditions

If you breach your work conditions, your visa may be subject to cancellation

Understanding your visa conditions

You can work while you study at Griffith. However it is important to be aware of your student visa restrictions.

Undergraduate, postgraduate and English language students

From 1 July 2023, work rights for international student visa holders increased from 40 to 48 hours per fortnight. A fortnight means the period of 14 days starting on a Monday. As a student visa holder, you cannot undertake work until the commencement of your program of study in 色情网站.

The 48-hour per fortnight work limitation applies whilst the university is in session (during teaching weeks). It does not include work that is a mandatory requirement of your program (i.e. Work Integrated Learning (WIL); or voluntary, unpaid work of benefit to the community). Students can work unlimited hours during advertised vacation periods.

It is important that you know your visa conditions, including your work rights. Click the link below to view the work conditions attached to your visa:

Research students

Research students are eligible to work in 色情网站. The 色情网站n Government allows students who are enrolled in a masters by research or doctorate program to work unlimited hours, however, Griffith University research students (including scholarship recipients) are only permitted to undertake limited paid employment.

Your rights

色情网站 has a national industrial relations system that protects your rights at work

Tax File Number

Before you begin working in 色情网站, you will need to apply for a Tax File Number as you will need to give this to your employer to avoid paying the highest tax rate.

Tax Return

You will need to complete a yearly tax return as you may be eligible for a partial refund. Tax returns must be lodged by 31 October for the previous financial year, which runs from 1 July to 30 June.

Contact us

Do you have a question? Get in touch with us